August 12, 2023 Nora Maberry
Tell us about your business. We provide fun and whimsical face and body paint for all kinds of events big...
Tell us about your business. You are Fashion is an affordable women’s clothing boutique. We carry handbags, accessories, our own...
Tell me about your business?Cobbler Corner is run by the United Methodist Church of St. Joseph. What inspired you to...
August 11, 2023 Nora Maberry
Tell me about your business. What items/services do you sell?My name is Becky Scott & my daughter Zara Meadows and...
Tell me about your business? What items/services do you sell?I sell Tupperware which has been around for 77 years! We...
Tell me about your business? What items/services do you sell?What started out as making hair bows for my daughter in...
What do you sell?What I sell is Hairbows, dish scrubbies, badge reels scrunched, and beaded pens and soon will offer...
July 28, 2023 Nora Maberry
After discussing safety concerns with St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection District Fire Chief Josh Reese, The Record has decided to move...
The St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce has announced the Little Prince and Princess candidates for 2023. Brady ElliottParents: Brittany and...
June 9, 2023 Nora Maberry
Village employee Ashley York took the time to chat with us about Taste of St. Joseph. Read her answers in...