January 23, 2023 Nora Maberry
I am here until 8 p.m cause Matt has to go back into work. They are discussing sports field placement...
More losses than wins have unfolded so far this season for the St. Joseph-Ogden High School girls’ basketball team.But the...
January 20, 2023 Nora Maberry
The Ogden Rose Library has gotten a makeover. Library Director Allison Wakefield said the furniture was purchased through a $3,500...
January 19, 2023 Nora Maberry
8th grade high honor rollAhart LillianBarbee ZhouBenoit ZacharyBurnett ColinClark ElizabethCrider AbigailDahl HaydenFarber MadisonFranzen NolanGraham SkylerHarbourt MarkNicholas HarrisHess TylerHewkin MaggieJones MiaLearned...
HONOR ROLL Heritage Junior High has compiled the list of honor roll students for the second quarter. Astudent must have...
Sara Steffens’ Gold Award project is personal. The Ogden Girl Scout was inspired by her sister. “I learned that the...
” Hannah Fox wanted to help feed her community. And for her Girl Scout Gold Award she attempted to do...
January 17, 2023 Nora Maberry
The first Illini Prairie Conference game didn’t end how the St. Joseph-Ogden High School boys’basketball team wanted it to. But...
January 16, 2023 Nora Maberry
The St. Joseph-Ogden High School girls’ basketball team kept it close in its two Illini Prairie Conference games last week,...
January 13, 2023 Nora Maberry
7th Grade Highest Honors (3.7-4.0)Tyler BonnyIsabella FrerichsCasen GoffGaby GomezGeorge HaleRoyce LoschenLane McKinneyAtleigh MillerAirin RashKeegan RobertsKorinne TravisEvelyn ValentineLucas WatersAdyn Westerfield 7th...