I am here along with the business department for the school board meeting.
Consent agenda- approval. Going over bills. SJO has 4 kids in the Ready program and it is costing the district $29,000.
Bob Glazier is retiring from his paid football assistant position. “He has done many great things for our school and that is just one of them,” said Superintendent Brian Brooks. “We are very, very thankful for everything he has done for our district.”
STA: Kelly Johnson formerly Steffen said they appreciate everything the board does.
Visitors: me. I have nothing.
Calendar update: Half day tomorrow (you get out at 2 p.m.)
CURRICULUM REVIEW! I Love these honestly. It’s Shawn Skinner and Veronica Harbaugh. They will tell us what the business department does, ect.
They are giving us the details on themselves and what they teach. Enrollment in business classes are steady. Information processing, it sounds like keyboarding. (I bet I would ace that class)
Business management sounds interesting.
Mitch Schluter has some questions regarding career options, ect.
The presentation is over. Basically, they have a really strong program. 🙂
Discussing how students at SJO take classes specifically to maintain their class rank and they can’t fit in classes they need for the careers they want to go into. it sounds like they want to (maybe) add a latin distinction for graduation. Page saying most colleges don’t care about rank anymore. Gave the example of a kid with a 3.9 GPA who has a ran that is not in the top third because of the way rank works at SJO. This would give the kid an honor.
Kathy McCormick hosted the school board at her house for a social evening. The turkey tournament was successful but tweaks need to be made to make it even more successful. Talking about all that Bob Glazier has done for the community.
motion to adjourn.
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