March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board

Jim Wagner is running IT tonight.

The new lawyer is here. Marc Miller. #somanychanges

Bill time.

Apparently Spring Green took care of the High School Soccer Field.

Discussing the zoning minutes.

The born learning trail is completed at Kolb Park. Tami Fruhling-Voges saying it looks really nice and she thinks the kids in the community will like it.

Delinquent Sewer Bills- Letters were mailed on April 8. 83 delinquent accounts. 83 accounts have been paid as of today. $11,518.70 paid.

Village administrator process- we hope to have some news soon. They are doing paperwork. Basically, they have picked a person and are doing the contract.

Budget time. I will get a summary sheet because I am not going to try and type it all out.

Discussing drainage for Bright Beginnings Learning Center which will be located on Peters Drive at the former Abbeyfield building. It sounds like their are drainage issues that are being addressed. I feel bad for them because that property will be super nice but I think

Wagner discussing the traffic safety report. Basically slow down.

This is not as exciting as the flower discussion.

They are discussing the Monroe Street Property. The situation has increased again and there is trash near the rail trail. They are discussing taking the property owner to court. The village board members described the situation as disgusting.

Mike and Luke tried to get some of the trash the owner has thrown into the Salt Fork but haven’t been able to yet. Some kids were trying to use it as a boat. #OMGDONTDOTHAT

My daughter and I actually saw the truck bed cover they are talking about and wondered where it came from.

Apparently, there are “critters” living in the house.
Luke saying anyone coming into St. Joe coming in on the Rail Trail sees that and it’s not appropriate and it’s not our brand.

They are going to attempt to acquire property.

Lawyer discussing going into to closed session. #thishashappenedtwicein12years #notafan

I am going to be honest. I am on the rail trail a lot with my daughter on her bike and I don’t really notice this house. Maybe I am just too worried about falling off my bike. #Iamnotcoordinated.

Discussing how they need to make sure they aren’t just dealing with this property. Luke is saying the village is more than happy to help residents clean up their property.

Basically, they don’t want the village to look like a dump so…. they are willing to help clean up your yards. (Not like brush… they are talking like broken-down appliances and junk)

Starting Thursday and Friday they are going to do soil samples at the Sewer Plant. #itwillexpand #growth #EPArequired

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