The Champaign County Forest Preserve is here to ask the board to endorse their tax increase.
Meeting to start in six minutes.
Oh wait, they are going to start early. #notillegal #dont@me
Terri Cummings saying the sports complex repaving looks really nice. #itdoes #mykidsevencommentedonit
Painter and Davis are on Zoom.
Sarah and Mary Ellen from the CCFPD are here to talk to us. Basically, on Nov. 3 they are asking for a limiting rate increase of .016 percent on the Forest Preserve’s property tax levy.
There are 4,000 acres in the forest preserves.
The rate has remained unchanged for 40 years. (WOW)
The increase will yield $700,000 yearly for improvements and operating expenses.
With the referendum, they would be able to restore Middle Fork’s Willow Pond, improve the Homer Lake Interpretive Center, Replace the roof on the covered bridge at Lake of the Woods, repair the dam and spillway at Lake of the Woods and Homer lake, upgrade the public bathrooms, improve bike paths and trails and create more nature and history connections through children’s programming. #funfactmattandigotmarriedatHomerlake
If it fails they will have to forego needed repairs across all sites, close unsafe and deteriorating facilities and structures, cut some programs and events and raise fees on others, delay restroom, trail, playground updates and shrink the budget for equipment, staffing and tech needs.
During the quarantine, my family visited ALL the forest preserves in Champaign County. If you haven’t, I highly recommend you take a drive and see what great facilities, parks and trails we have at our disposal.
Asking for an endorsement for the tax increase from the board.
Art is pressing them on their finances. “With the progressive tax on the ballot, it may be difficult.”
Tami saying the forest preserves and the Rail Trail are an asset to the town.
The trustees saying it’s a “no brainer” to support the tax increase and are making a motion to endorse it.
Matt Silver resigned from Planning and Zoning due to work obligations. Brian Knight has been recommended to take his place.
Tami is sharing things with the board-I think it’s emails that are complaints but she said she’s not going to go into details.
The finance committee has been meeting a lot in August, said Cummings. The last meeting was on Aug. 19 and Steve Carter for the Illinois City and County management association came to share info when considering hiring a village administrator. They are discussing having an interim village administrator so they can have a broad search which can take six months. They want staff, trustees, ect. and community members to weigh in.
Tami saying she sees the value in having an interim position.
They currently have an ordinance that I think was written when BJ was mayor so it’s obviously going to have to be redone.
I am interested to see if the village actually has enough work for a village administrator. I used to cover a town that had one and, at least in that instance, it made the mayor role basically obsolete because the administrator was actually running things. When they get the job description done I will get a copy and see what they envision the role to be.
Buildings and grounds, sewer have nothing.
Luke and Mike are down on Lincoln Street dealing with the split tree.
There will be a presentation service sign for Dustin Leemon on SEPT. 6, a 33-year-old Afghanistan war veteran. He will be back over the labor day weekend. It will be at the sports complex. 6 p.m. at the Veteran Memorial Monument.
The school board has signed on to the agreement to finally end the drainage tile saga. #FINALLY #LOOKINGUP But now there are some issues with the daycare and Abbetfield. #OHNO
Meeting is over. 🙂
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