We are here and zooming in. #safetyfirst
Jeff Van Buskirk will be replacing Roy McCarty on the village board.
They did bills.
Now Luke Fisher is talking about running a line down first street and hopefully going to the field and tying on with DD6’s tile. They will get a plan and get the bids out by the end of May. We may have to get a couple of easement agreements for houses on Douglas. Trees and fences would have to be removed and replaced.
Now talking about sink holes near Proctor Lane.
Review and approval of the village gardners request for $2,700. They make our downtown beautiful.
Rapp bringing up the point that the village pays for the manpower to water the flowers and the water. He voted no to giving the gardners their requested money.
Brief update from the Mayor- lots of zoom meetings regarding COVID. The mayor is trying to get as much information on local small businesses as possible. Debbie and Julie in the main office have been emailing business owners with the information from the governor that they need. There is a downstate small business stabilization program that the mayor is hopeful could help.
Fruhling-Voges said some local small businesses have been able to get into the payroll protection program.
Trustee Bob Rigdon is resigning. Rigdon is resigning as of April 22, 2020. Rigdon thanked the mayor, the trustees and the employees for their hard work. Rigdon is a long time board member and was in charge of the sewer committee. #Greatman #Kind
Fruhling-Voges said that by law the mayor can appoint someone but there is a caucus nominating committee that she can reach out to get their opinion.
Dan Davis asking that the board send McCarty and Rigdon a card thanking them for their service.
They are replacing the drinking fountain at Hackler Park. BJ Hackler is donating $1,000 towards the project. #hero #soonwewillallenjoyourparksagain
The total project cost is $12,000 roughly. WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT.
Dan Davis is discussing a contingency plan for the Fall Festival #DONOTCALLITTHEFALLFLOP
As of right now, they have not canceled the Champaign County Fair.
Davis said they may need to reschedule it later in the fall. “A celebration to not only celebrate our community but also getting through the COVID-19 situation.”
Davis said they would need to look at other community events before rescheduling the festival and look to avoid sporting events, ect.
“Hopefully we will know within the next couple weeks what that will look like,” Fruhling-Voges said.
Discussing the farmer’s market idea. Not happening any time soon. Springfield is having one but it is curbside.
Mayor Fruhling-Voges thanking public works. They are working through the pandemic and doing an awesome job.
DO YOUR CENSUS. We are losing to Mahomet. St. Joe is 71 percent and Mahomet is barely ahead of us.
Fruhling-Voges applauding the local teachers who are working to educate the children in this new situation and doing numerous creative things to get the job done.
To recap: New trustee. #welcomejeff, the fall festival is not canceled yet. #dontcallitthefallflop
Meeting is adjourned.
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