March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Senior spotlight… Luke Cohen

Every week we ask a senior five questions. This week we talked to Luke Cohen.

What do you want to do after High School?
I plan to attend Eastern Illinois University and get my masters degree in accounting. 

What is your favorite thing about SJO?
My favorite aspect of SJO is how supportive the community is towards the athletics. Always large amounts of energy and excitement coming from the SJO crowd. 

Who is your biggest inspiration?- My biggest inspirations are my mother and father. They consistently motivate me to work hard, not only when it comes to sports or schoolwork, but working to better myself as an individual and to prepare me for the future. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?- In 10 years I see myself owning a house. A house in the woods of Minnesota with a gated entrance. At the gated entrance, there will be two pillars with two huge Eagles on them. Lastly, I plan on having a job in downtown Minneapolis as an accountant for an engineering firm. 

What is my favorite class at SJO?– My favorite class at SJO is Civics with Mr. Beckett

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