March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

10 things you don’t know about me… Leslie Landreth

Leslie Landreth owner of Little Bloomers Child Care tells us 10 things we don’t know about her!

This post is sponsored by the St. Joseph Dairy Queen.

Our house is the crazy house. It is always loud!! Myself, my husband and our kiddos are a blended family of seven. My kiddos are Aleesia (20), Joey (15) and Lilly (10). My bonus boys are Ethan (18) and Brodie (17).

I am the official shorty of the house. I am not even 5’2”. The only person shorter than me now is my 10 year old!!!

When I decided to start my own daycare, my plan was to do daycare for one year while my son was an infant. 15 1/2 years later….here I am still doing daycare. I truly love all my daycare kiddos, the parents I have met and call my friends and the career that I happened to stumble upon.

I am a huge softie when it comes to animals. If I could rescue every dog, cat or animal needing a home, I would. In our house we have three dogs, one cat and a turtle. One of our dogs, our cat and our turtle were all rescued.

I have a love/hate relationship with running. I love the thrill of running, crossing the finish line, and getting medals, but I hate training for races.

I love winter & snow!! Snow is the prettiest thing to me. Everything and everyone slows down & the world quiets down. I love how snow sparkles and glitters!!

I love traveling and have a list of places that I can’t wait to visit. I try to visit somewhere new each year. I want to experience as many new places and sights as I can. The world is so large and filled with so many beautiful different things from what we see everyday.

My favorite TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy and Friends. I have seen every episode of Grey’s Anatomy at least five times, except for the episode where McDreamy dies. I have never watched that episode, nor will I ever. My favorite Friends episode is The One With the Rumor.

Coffee is my favorite drink!! I drink coffee every morning, every single day. I started drinking coffee when I was 6 years old. It is one of my favorite memories growing up and staying at my grandparents’ house.

I’m a total book nerd. I love to read and read all the time. If I find a book that I enjoy I wont put it down. “The Great Gatsby” & “Native Son” are my favorite books that I read in high school. I read all of “Sweet Valley Twins” and “Sweet Valley High” series when I was younger. I still have my “Berenstain Bears” books from when I was a little kid.

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