The deadline to compete in the Champaign County Fair Queen and Little Miss Pageant is this week.
The Champaign County Fair Pageant will be held July 14 at 2 p.m. at the City Center in Champaign.
The Queen contestant must be a resident of Champaign County for at least one year prior to the pageant. A college address is not considered for residence. The contestant must be 16 years old by July 1 and not have reached her 22nd birthday by Jan. 1, 2020.
Contestants will need to purchase a contestant T-shirt, participate in a dance routine, be interviewed by the judges in a business suit or dress, appear on stage in a one-piece solid color swimsuit with taupe heels, appear on stage in a floor-length evening gown and present a memorized one-minute speech and answer a impromptu question on stage.
Little Miss contestants must be five by July 1 and no older than 9 by July 14 and must be a resident of Champaign County for a least one year. Contestants will have to purchase a contestant T-shirt, appear on stage on a nice dress, answer one question and hold a four minute conversation with the judges off stage and be involved in a dance production during the pageant.
Applications for the Miss pageant can be found here.
Applications for the Little Miss pageant can be found here.
Applications should be sent to: Checks should be made payable to Champaign County Fair Queen Pageant and sent to: Deb Simmons, 19862 Newtown Rd., Oakwood, IL 61858.
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