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No public comment.
They approved the consent agenda.
They are discussing an honorary street sign for Corey Thompsen. It would be somewhere on Peters Drive. A resolution will be prepared for the next meeting. There will be a presentation when the sign is installed.
Discussing moving public works out to the sewer plant and how much it would cost. It would include a break room and a lab. Could include offices.
They had an appraisal done on the former Baptist Church. Anyone want to guess what it’s worth?
They are talking about how that annex building is just wasted real estate. They may sell the annex and the shed behind it if they can move stuff to the sewer plant.
The St. Joseph Community Festival Committee meets at the annex and it is Ok. It’s just kinda run down and the board room part has mismatched chairs but it’s a vibe.
Apparently, if elected, Jim Page doesn’t want his office at the annex. Tami’s office is there now.
Art is saying that he thinks it would be good to have Public Works at the sewer plant and how they can secure their equipment out there.
Joe pointing out that the land at the sewer plant will always be off the tax rolls, while the land at that annex could be bringing property taxes into the village.
Joint Review Board for TIF will meet March 20 at 11 a.m. at the Municipal Building.
The SJO FFA and people at Cortiva have been working with the mayor to beautify downtown.
Meeting adjourned.
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