Jim Page is here. He’s running for mayor. Peter Shaw is here. He is running for village board.
They just passed the consent agenda.
They are discussing an ordinance to set the date for the next TIF meeting. It’s JUST the next step in the process. They will discuss the plan and how the area qualifies for a TIF. The meeting will take April 15, 2025 at 7 p.m. at Village Hall.
They approved an application for a softball tournament.
They are now discussing the salary schedule and the updated schedule passed.
Joe: looking at next year’s budget, we have taken on a lot. We are chewing through multiple development projects at the same time. We are conditioning ourselves to probably set aside money for long term debt servicing that is probably coming. Both projects will be done by next winter. Hopefully, we will be able to off load some of the properties we have acquired. What I am trying to say, I will be requesting wish list items for the upcoming budget but my preference would be to hold off on large scale purchases at this time.
Tami has provided the board with bullet points about the TIF in case a community member approaches them with questions.
RPC is in the process of trying to fill a spot for a community member. More info is here.
Art is talking about a sidewalk he saw in Florida. It apparently had flags. Here’s an example.
Angela saying businesses could sponsor them and put their logos on them.
The village keeps talking about this article and how amazing the TIF has been for Fisher.
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