What do you sell?
What I sell is Hairbows, dish scrubbies, badge reels scrunched, and beaded pens and soon will offer beaded wristlets and other beaded things and also soon bees wax wrap are in the works!!
What inspired you to start your business?
The love of crafty in general and my kids. When I started out my kiddos and I were not in a good place so I decided to start selling some of what I made because I usually give things away. I try each event I’m at to give something to someone else free of charge. Just to brighten someone’s day. But selling made it where financially I was able to make ends meet!! It has just stuck since then I can’t believe I started selling in 2015!!
What is your favorite part about attending festivals/events?
The people I meet and the joy I see on people’s faces whether it kids getting to ride rides with their friends or a parent’s face seeing their child’s excitement for the activities and people’s reaction of getting something they really want from one of the vendors ect. All of the above is why I love doing festivals and events. It’s not about money for me simply seeing others happy brings me joy!!
What is your favorite fair food or carnival ride?
Anyone who knows me knows the only thing I want is a lemon shake up and The ride I like the best is the scrambler.
4 questions with C and C’S Pretties

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