Discussing bills. Art would like them to use local vendors when possible.
Art likes how the bills are organized now. #shoutouttotheoffice.
They are passing the ordinance tonight to establish Peters Drive as an honorary street designation for Trooper Thompsen.
Discussing revised quotes for mowing services.
Discussing appraisals for two properties. They are the two public works facilities. It will just allow the village to find out what it is worth and will allow them to sell it in the future.
They are discussing a fence variance request. A resident wants to put in three six feet tall panels in. The drawing looks like it is in the front yard. The fence ordinance right now says fences should be four feet tall. The board says they want to make sure the neighbor to the property won’t object. They will table it until they find out what the neighbor says.
Village Administrator update: Public hearing on TIF April 15 at 7 p.m.
Meeting over.
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