Todd Albers is running for St. Joseph Township Trustee.
Biographical Info:
Hello my name is Todd Albers. I am a candidate for St. Joseph Township Trustee. I grew up in St. Joseph township graduating from St. Joseph High School in 1985. I have been married to my lovely wife Angie(also a St. Joseph graduate) for 34 years and together we operate a family grain farm in rural St. Joseph township.
What the Township board does:
As a township trustee we are entrusted to make sure your tax dollars are used in a fiscally responsible way to better our township.
What motivated you to run for township board?
At the age of 15 I started working for the township on our roads and growing my knowledge of township government. After years of working for the township I was enstrusted by the voters of the township and was elected to the position of trustee which I have held for many years with great pride and responsibility.
What are your short time goals for the township?
A pressing short term issue is to fight to protect the extent of township government from the people wishing to abolish it, all while maintaining the integrity of the current township policies and the responsibilities to the voters.
Long Term Goals
To keep the township fiscally responsible with your tax dollars while maintaining the quality of our roads and bridges, continuing to keep funding for general assistance programs, evaluating our tax levy needs and continued funding for our township library.
Where do I see the township 10 years
I would like to see the township continue to grow and prosper and be a place people want to call home.
Most pressing issues facing the township
Fighting the abolishment of township government and finding ways to lower our taxes while keeping the quality of our township at high level.
Why should people vote for you?
Being from St Joseph, I take great pride in our community and will continue to see that our township tax dollars are used in the best interest of the township to benefit the future generations.
How will you make sure you work for the public and are accessible to constituents?
All township meetings are open to the public. Dates of meetings are printed in the newspaper and at the township office along with contact information for all the positions of the township. We are always available for questions or ideas to better this wonderful township and community.
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