Lucas Charters is running for ST. JOSEPH TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE as a democrat.
Can you please provide some biographical information?
My name is Lucas Charters. My wife and I moved to St. Joseph back in 2015, and in 2020, we bought a house in St. Joseph Township. We have two kids, ages 6 and 8, who go to the local elementary school. I’m a precinct committee member for the Champaign County Democrats. I’ve been a Chicago Cubs fan my whole life—nothing beats a trip to Wrigley Field. And I’m also a diehard Minnesota Vikings fan, so I’m used to some ups and downs!
How would you describe what the township board does to people who don’t know?
The township board makes sure our local resources and tax dollars are used wisely to take care of what really matters for everyone in our community.
What motivated you to run for township board?
After the last election, I realized it was time to stop sitting on the sidelines. National politics get all the attention, but there can also be issues that we can focus on at home. I don’t agree with a lot of decisions being made at the federal level, especially around things like public health and education. I figured, why not step up and help make things better right here in the township.
What are your short-term goals for the township?
If elected, I would want to gauge the pulse of the community and listen to the constituents. I want to know what people care about. Short-term, I’m focused on opening communication, staying accessible, and making sure residents have a way to reach me when they need to.
What are your long-term goals?
Long-term, I just want to make sure St. Joseph stays a great place to live. I’m all about making sure we grow the right ways– smart infrastructure decisions, fixing up roads, and keeping public services solid as we grow.
Where would you like to see the township in ten years?
In 10 years, I see our township as a place that’s grown in all the right ways-where infrastructure is solid, and people are connected. I would love to see more places for people to get together to connect, and where everyone feels like their voice matters in what happens next.
What are the most pressing issues facing the township?
It’s hard to pinpoint pressing issues in the township currently, because there is no communication from the current trustees and supervisor. Decisions are being made about the place where we live, and we are never made aware of it.
Why should people vote for you?
You should vote for me because, just like you, I care about the future of our community and the well-being of families. I want to make sure that my kids grow up in a safe, welcoming place with the resources they need. I will listen to constituents’ concerns, because I’m a parent, a neighbor, and someone who wants to see this township connected, where every voice is heard.
How will you make sure you work for the public and are accessible to your constituents?
Simple: I’m all about transparency. Right now, it feels like everything’s happening behind closed doors. I want to change that. I’ll make sure meeting minutes are available, set up a Facebook page for updates, and always be available by email. You’ll always know what’s going on, and you can reach me whenever you need to.
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