March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board, July 9, 2024

Here at village hall.
They are discussing how village board wants the bills broken down more. They want to know what power bills are from the sewer, parks, ect.

Jim Ardnt, from Ardnt Municipal Support, is here to discuss what he’s done for economic development. He won’t share the names of the businesses who have been in town looking at locations. #beticanfindout
One is a coffee shop? #don’twehaveone? They will be invited to apply for the grant program the village currently has, which is open to any business in St. Joseph.

They are looking at the building across from the Ribcage. They have a concern with parking. #welcometostjoseph.

This is the coffee shop.

The trustees were supportive of the current coffee shop in town and said they wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize Geschenk Coffee, Cafe, & Gifts.

It sounds like Ardnt didn’t meet with Ace Hardware in Las Vegas like he planned but contacted them after the conference and they are still interested.

He says there are 5 businesses looking at St. Joseph. “It’s a win, it’s only been 9 months.” To recap, we know three (Hotel, Ace Hardware, Kinos Coffee)

Hotel: They want to be here, have financing lined up, need to find local investors. The local investment part is $2.9 million. #MONEYMONEYMONEY

Kinos is aware there is another coffee shop. He is claiming it’s a different product line.

Max asking if the village can talk to Todd at IGA and see if they (the village) can rent like six parking spots? They also want to know if Todd is going to retire within the next five years because someone Ardnt talked to would be willing to bring in another grocery store if Todd is planning on retiring.

Discussing the enterprise zone that they are trying to create with Douglas County.

He was asked directly who the other business is he’s had conversations with and refused to comment because it is an open meeting. Said he discussed the coffee shop because they had questions for him to ask the board.  Art asked him directly about Ace and Ardnt wouldn’t confirm it it but it’s in previous reports he’s given the village and I have a copy of. #itsace

Max wants to table the solar for another month until all six members are here. Terri saying she isn’t comfortable purchasing the solar panels. Max saying it’s not good to lock a future board into leasing the solar for 30 years.

Going back to the coffee shop- my question is this going to do what Jack flash did where instead of bringing in new sales tax dollars (like they claimed) it just split what Caseys was already bringing in? The point of economic development is to bring in new tax dollars not bring in the same businesses you already have and then split the sales tax between them.

They are still discussing solar. Max and Art want to buy solar for the sewer plant. Art isn’t a fan of leasing either.

Still discussing solar. I think this is like month four of discussing this. Maybe more. They are being very thorough. Max is hesitant to do the solar panels at the park. Tami saying she is hesitant to tie up the parks and they are discussing a community building that would take up four acres. She could want a splash pad out there, or more playgrounds.

Jim Page and Todd Hitt apparently want to create a park foundation to run the community building. #tamisaid

Basically, they all want to do the solar at the sewer plant, are just trying to decide if they want to lease it or buy it. They are more hesitant about the company that wants to give the village free $ for them allowing them to put some solar panels at the sports complex.

They are purchasing the solar panels at the sewer plant from Rector. Terri voted no.

Angela saying until the tour of sewer plant she didn’t realize how all encompassing it was for public works. #theyarerockstars

meeting adjourned.

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