March 9, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at Village Board, March 12, 2024

My internet here wasn’t working but we are in business now.

I am at village board with approximately 20 of my closest friends.

I think some are here to discuss the hotel study.

Discussing how they did a market study when Jack Flash came to town.

Tami discusses what they are doing for economic development. Saying some developers at a conference they attended were very interested due to the highway and were surprised the village hadn’t done anything to recruit new businesses.

Reg Akrom has driven all the way from QUINCY to discuss electric aggregation. Homefield responded to their request for bids. 8.6 per KW hour is the price they got which is equal to AMEREN’s non-summer rates. They want more freedom to react to the marketplace because electric rates fluctuate minute by minute.

Republic is here to make a presentation.

Tony is talking about how Republic is about sustainability. Talking about how great Appl Sanitary was.
Saying they have invested into the community. “We want to upgrade the image,” Republic said.
Saying rates are locked in for a year because they didn’t want to come in and have people think they were just here to raise rates.

Saying a municipality contract would explain how the rates will increase year after year.

Talking about how they partner with the towns they are in. Saying they donated to Monticello’s Hog Fest.

Saying they don’t want to be the cheapest guy on the block because they won’t have a good team behind them, won’t be able to make upgrades.

Art is getting to it. Wants to know the prices.

“It’s hard to speak to that,” Republic said. “We try to keep that close to our chest.”

Just a reminder, GFL came in and said it would be $18 a month.

Margaret and Jason Appl attended the meeting to support Republic.

The village is discussing entering into an intergovernmental agreement for the purposes of supporting the intervention in the Illinois American Water Rate Case before the ICC.

Bow renewables is presenting about solar. #WEEK45INTHESOLARDISCUSSION

If the village enters into a lease agreement with this company they will make a $50,000 donation to parks and rec before construction and then $10,000 a year.

Sounds like they want to put solar on the land the village farms.

Mrs. Stevens is here from soccer asking for new soccer goals. Actually they are asking for reinbursement for two soccer goals. The goals cost $2770.

They are also asking for two goals for the third and fourth graders. They are also asking for two nets for the smaller field at Hackler. Third and fourth grade could wait, Stevens said.

Joe saying every dollar over 40,000 comes out of general corp.

Terri asking if they fundraise. “We don’t just have a pot of money.”

Joe saying soccer hasn’t asked for anything since he has been here.

The sports agreement they have with the village says the village is resposible for maintance on the goals. Tami saying this is the village’s responsibility.

Art just saId the village is taking $4million out of the general fund to make up deficiencies in other funds.

Angela making the point that 300 kids participate in program and they give money to other sports groups. “how can we tell them no?”

Max saying if the contract says the village pays for goals they need to pay for it.

Tiffany giving history that parks and rec costs were always supposed to be paid out of general corp. the pulled out parks and rec money was allocated to make the park bond payment.
This is 2700 they are batting back and forth. Maybe times two if they buy all four.

Motion passes 3-2 for them to purchase the solar panels to go at the sewer plant.

meeting adjourned.

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