March 28, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Acklin named acting mayor of Ogden

Jim Acklin is the acting mayor of Ogden.

Acklin was selected at the Nov. 2 meeting by the Ogden Village Board.

Acklin was nominated by Trustee John Wright.

“I think he has a reputation in the community and Central Illinois, in general, for his leadership,” Wright said. “He is a pragmatic person so I am nominating him.”

Trustee Brandon Lewis seconded it.

Acklin accepted the nomination.

“If it is voted that way I will do my level best to maintain everybody’s trust,” he said.

The board approved it 6-0.

Acklin elected to maintain his trustee status, which he is allowed to do via Illinois State statute. Acklin will be able to vote as a trustee but will not have veto powers as a full mayor would.
Acklin said he wanted to learn the position and decide if it was something he was interested in doing full-time before the next election in April 2025.

“My comfort zone is being a village board member and maybe that is my default,” he said. “I would like to see how it goes.”

Acklin taught and coached for 22 years at SJO, and then served eight years as the SJO Superintendent where he oversaw an $11 million renovation project and a $1.1 million geothermal project.

Along with his time at SJO, Acklin also served as principal at Ogden Grade School for three years and superintendent of the Shiloh school district for four years.

He also has served on the Ogden and Prairieview-Ogden Grade School Board from 2005-07.

Currently, he is the interim superintendent at Chrisman. In June, he will retire from that position.
“I think I can balance both for eight months,” he said. “That will be off the table at the end of June so I can then fully focus on being mayor and what that entails.”

Acklin said the organizational skills he uses as a superintendent will help him as acting mayor.

Acklin said at Chrisman he is used to keeping his board informed, getting agendas together and creating mid-month reports.

“As superintendent I know if you can get things in front of your board early and often it typically helps,” he said.

Former Mayor Gabe Clements resigned effective Nov. 1.

Mayor Pro-Tem Kelly Cooper read Clements’ resignation letter during the meeting.

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of our community over the last several years,” Clements sa id his letter to the board. “I am grateful to have served with all of you on the Village Board and I thank each of you for your hard work and supporting me during this transition. I am proud of the work that we have accomplished as a. Board .I wish the Village of Ogden Board the best in the future. Thank you to the citizens of Ogden for their support. I will never forget it.”

Acklin was also full of praise for Clements.

“If you look at Gabe Clements, he oversaw a million-dollar drainage improvement over his time here.” Acklin said. “That’s huge. He cemented his legacy over for the next several generations.”

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