March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board, Feb. 28, 2022

I am here tonight. Tonight on that agenda- drainage concerns with the new high school softball field which should be turf.

The Boy Scouts are here for a badge requirements. They will be sitting and listening, observing and taking notes.

More and more boy scouts just keep showing up. There have never been this many people in this room at one time. Except maybe when the seniors do Bingo. That can get crazy.

Public comment time. Tami is asking the scouts if they have a quick question. Someone is asking about the franchise agreement. #comcast #ameren. It allows them in to sell residents interent/tv and power. The village gets a percentage per customer due to the agreement and money goes into the village fund.

Moving the agenda around so Jim Rein and Les Hoveln from SJO don’t have to stay for the entire meeting. #lucky

Joe is discussing the issue with the turf causing extra drainage at the high school. Saying the option that makes the most sense is pairing with the high school to redo the tile to a 36 inch. It will cost $200,000 -$300,000.

Art bringing up that the school gets 60 percent of the property tax revenue and Max agreeing. Both agree that splitting the cost is the best way to go. Les saying a retention plan is a lose, lose, lose for the district. 1. it’s a safety issue. 2. mosquito haven 3. landlocked and they need the space.

Joe saying that turf on the softball field is a concern due to runoff and Les saying the district is doing turf and they have already signed the contracts. #itshappening Les saying they hope to build it up 8 to 12 inches and get a nice grade on it. Les is so good at things like this. He just addresses all their concerns and moves on without giving up anything.

A resident saying hes concerned about the area flooding if more water is pushed through the tile. Joe saying he believes since the pipe is bigger it will allow the water to flow faster away from it. These residents have a lot of concerns regarding their property flooding.

Joe saying the engineers don’t just put together report randomly and they take the potential risk into the neighborhood into concern.

Engineers will get the residents answer to their questions.

Moving on to discuss the storage unit public works needs. Terri is not really feeling the rental idea because “Time in money” For SURE. What a waste of tax dollars to rent a space in Urbana or champaign. Reminder: They are losing their storage at the sewer plant because of EPA required upgrades and expansion. The stuff they store in their is like the snow plows, the big trucks, ect.

“If we have a storm and it’s in Urbana we will have to have two guys fly up there and get that and pray that Urbana wasn’t hit by it as well,” Luke Fisher said. Lukes also pointing out that storage units get broken into or catch fire because you can’t control what other people are doing in them. #methlabhesaiditididnt

Art saying people probably wouldn’t break in and steal a snow plow. #theytotallywould!!!!

It’s an ongoing conversation.

Now discussing the purchase of downtown bike racks.
Bike racks are happening. They discussed these pre-COVID. z

They could be going full hippie and are discussing solar panels at the waste water treatement plant. #Judstkidding #gogreen #ithelpstheenvironment It could save 1.2 million over 30 years which is 40,000 a year.

Joe talking about how maybe there shouldn’t be a ball diamond at the sewer plant. #asanoutsiderhethinksitsweird #itsois #MOVEIT Basically, the solar panels would do where the ball diamond is.

Boy Scouts have left. They put away all the chairs so fast!

Discussing vehicle replacement plans.

DUMPSTER DAY IS MAY 6, 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. DON’T SHOW UP AT 11 and try to jump your garbage.

They went into closed and I went home.

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