I am late because Sawyer had a Christmas Concert. #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #sparkles
Discussing donating to the proposed project from last meeting where a group is working to digitize the St. Joseph Record from the 1800s.
Terri- I think it’s a pretty important project. I think we should consider making a donation.
Joe saying maybe if you get to X amount we will make a donation just to make sure there is follow through.
Max would like an update in the first of the year and then discuss a donation.
Also, thanks to MX electric for sponsoring our live blogs.
VIllage is saying that the hs hasn’t told them if they are going to use the soccer field next year. #Idonthinktheyare #turforbust
They are passing the motor fuel resolution. They have to pass it by law so… they are doing that.
They are adjusting the outside water meters costs. The meters were previously rented for $55. The cost went up for the village. Joe wants it to be on a sliding scale so if the costs goes up the cost will go up for the village.
The water meters are for OUTDOOR water use. If you water your plants, fill a pool, water your lawn- you can get a meter and they take that amount of water off your sewer bill since that water is not going into the sewer system. You bring the meter back to the village and they adjust your sewer bill. #worththetime
it will be set on a sliding scale so it will just be the cost to the village is what the residents will pay for them.
Joe is bringing up how Ameren is offering significant rebates if the village switches to LED lights.
Tami is thanking public works for all their work on the light poles. She has kept adding things and she appreciates their patience.
Tami discussing the community tree lighting. The lights are off right now because they are solar lights. #stupidcloudlyweather Next year the tree will be at Kolb Park. She is giving compliments to Holly Jolly and the amount of work the Fire Family did and the amount of people. #hundredsandhundredsattended.
Asking everyone to keep the Bennett family in their prayers.
Meeting adjourned.
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