February 22, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

How I get it done …. with Jennifer Huls Wayland

We asked local business owners to describe their leadership style and how they make decisions. This week we talked to Jennifer Huls Wayland, the owner of Island Travel Group and Events.

What is a typical morning like?
I make a big breakfast every morning for my family; bacon and eggs, sausage and pancakes, biscuits and gravy … I try to make every morning special.

What keeps you motivated?
My family, my clients, my staff, and especially my love for the job keep me motivated every day; I may work from home but even during the pandemic I got up every morning, got dressed – at least halfway 🙂 – and put makeup on; whatever I can do to make it a great day!

How do you keep the pressures of running a business from getting to you?
Oh, it gets to me alright! I was born with a positive, hopeful attitude so that helps immensely; other than that, I like to make others happy, so I often just put on a happy face to help others even when I’m crying inside.

How do you make tough decisions?
I have learned to coach myself, just as I coach my students and staff, to just put one foot in front of the other. It’s easy to get emotionally involved when sharing unfortunate travel news to guests; I tell myself to just go through the motions and get it done.

How do you unwind?
I get up and take walks around the farm and play with my dogs multiple times a day. I am a true believer in happy hour. My Dad is 86 years old and I told myself a year ago, I will never say “no” when my Dad invites me to happy hour; it’s pretty much a regular thing around our farm.

What are you like as a boss?
I am often told that I would make a good psychologist. My job involves “talking people off of the cliff” all day every day – clients, staff, students of my travel business courses. I am very good at looking at and considering all sides to a situation and love collaborating to help people make the best, most informed decisions.

What advice do you have for business owners?
As an entrepreneur, your job is never done; you don’t finish up and leave the office, you just have to prioritize and walk away when you can. I highly recommend setting boundaries from the beginning or as soon as possible. There are only so many hours in a day so the quickest way to work-life balance is working by appointment and limiting the number of appointments you take each day.

How do you set long term and short-term goals for your business?
I create personal and professional New Years’ resolutions each year; attainable ones that I always achieve. I encourage business owners to decide “what’s the one thing that if you could accomplish, would make everything else easier or unnecessary?” That’s the best place to start. One, the most important goal, is easier to accomplish than many. On that same note, it’s the same question I have to ask myself every day!

How important is it to find mentors as a small business owner?
After over a decade of working as a struggling business owner, a few years ago I decided to make a huge investment and hire multiple mentors. Shortly thereafter Covid gave me much-needed time to put the information into practice. Fast forward three years and I have won more awards for my service and leadership than I can hold in two hands. No matter where you are in your business, if you are struggling with ANYTHING, someone out there has the solution and is willing to share. That’s the thing about the best, most successful people/entrepreneurs; they love to help others!

What is your philosophy on customer service and its importance?
Never say”it’s not my job”, find someone to help if you can’t. Take accountability for your actions – the good and the bad; even if you don’t receive grace from someone else, it will allow you the grace to forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes, or accept the praise when you’ve earned it. Specialize to be the best of the best at what you do!

in Life, People
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