I am here early and we are discussing the lines to vote today. Today at 5 p.m. there was a line outside of Prince of Peace to vote.
Village Logo time. Option 1 won! So look for it on letterheads and trucks and all that jazz.
Rapp voted no on accepting the public’s vote. He said it was because he didn’t like any of the logos.
They will be adding three handicap spots at the Apothecary, IGA and the Salon.
Going over event permit requests.
VOLO wants to put free wifi at the parks. Discussing it.
You can check election results here btw.
Discussing a temporary cross walk South of Peter’s Drive. They want a sidewalk on the corner of 5th and Peters. I am going to point out that Prospect Street also needs a sidewalk. A lot of kids go down that road to and from the grade school and people drive like idiots.
Basically, from what I understand, the village is being asked to put in a crosswalk and sidewalk because the daycare got in trouble for walking the kids on the road.
The board is concerned with the safety of children. The daycare has other options that would ensure the safety of the children. However, the village is not willing to pay for a crosswalk at this time.
Discussing the IML conference which is coming up.
It sounds like a lot of things are moving downtown for the festival. I am going to get the details.
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