March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Always Looking to Give Back: Short honored for volunteerism

Tim Short wants to inspire the younger generations.

Short, who was honored with the SJO Friend of Education Award this month, said he feels the schools are an important part of our community.

“Education is the cornerstone of our community,” he said. “So many of these children struggle with work ethic. time management and the value of supporting a community.”

Short said volunteers his time to model good life schools and values.

“If just one student or person learns to work a little harder, try something new, or smile because of it, then every minute is worth it,” he said.

Short said he hopes to teach younger generations that not everything should be about entitlement or money.

“I feel community value is earned and to make our schools and communities great, people need to volunteer , donate, and care for what we have, he said.

The SJO Friend of Education Award is presented once each school year.

Winners have contributed to the St. Joseph-Ogden school system by volunteering their time, donating material or equipment, donating funds, being supportive of our students, and/or contributing to the education of SJO youth in a positive manner.

Superintendent Brian Brooks said Short did all of those things and more. Recently, he helped the district move inoperable tractors to
make room for new construction.

“What makes Tim unique is that he offers his services to the school district without being asked,”
said Brooks.

Brooks said Short helps with the FFA, the softball program and maintenance.

“Really our school in general,” Brooks said. “He knows a lot of people, has a variety of resources, and utilizes all of that to assist the school district.  And he truly expects nothing in return.”

Brooks said Short was surprised when he was notified that he was selected for the award.  

“People like Tim Short are exactly why this award was created, and also what makes SJO and this community so great,” Brooks said. “Tim doesn’t volunteer his time and services to the school district to be recognized.  He does it because he is a great person who is very giving.”

Brooks said that when Short approaches the district with ideas he always takes the time to listen.

“Maybe we can’t always do it, but you certainly listen because his thoughts are coming from a good place and there is no hidden agenda in there,” Brooks said. “We are extremely thankful for everything Tim has done over the years for SJO.”

in Life, People
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