March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board April 12, 2022

I am here so you don’t have to be. It’s me, Debbie, Mike Sennert, Tiffany and the board. #fullhouse #notreally

Discussing bills. Art had a question about a $2,000 to Sullivan Parkhill.

Discussing trees they will plant and where they will buy them from.

Discussing a logo for the village. Tami saying other villages have a logo. So they are suggesting this logo with a flower. It’s in the centennial book. Tami saying it would be good if they do “glasses” for the 150th celebration. Do you think she means shot glasses? I am going to think she means cute little plastic glasses.

Max Painter doesn’t like the proposed logo.

Art doesn’t love it either.

It includes corn, wheat and bows. I have a copy of it.

So the village board members are going to come up with five things each that represent the village to maybe put in a logo. Let’s keep it simple people.

Joe saying they need to hire someone to do the logo because they need it to “stick” and it will go on trucks and letterhead. #thisisgoingtobeexpensive

FIREWORKS: Tolono is having them so Tami got information. Entering a contract for three years of fireworks at the festival for $7,500 per year.

Discussing public parking. Art is discussing the proposed municipal building and how Oakwood’s and Sidney’s won’t fit on that space.

Art saying the land they just bought won’t accommodate a municipal building. Max and Art are bringing up moving Kolb Park to the new land space, include the splash pad there and put the municipal building where the park is. Jim Wagner saying this will anger people because of the history. Max “We will make new history,” he said.

Max is always looking for new ways to do things, I will give him that.

I agree with Art, that land they bought is not big enough for a community building.

it is probably big enough for a municipal building but they need to be very clear what it is they are building because I firmly believe when people say they want a community-building they want a building like Royal, not a new village hall.

Terri is pointing out that they always discussed making that lot parking until they build something on it.

I am going to do a survey to see if people think a municipal building is a community building.

They are still discussing putting rock down to make that parking. Art saying it will benefit a few businesses on this end of Lincoln. #heaintwrong

They are making it a parking lot for right now. TBD what it will be in the future.

Discussing intervention in the American Water proposed increase. They have done it in the past but, obviously, they raise the rates anyway.

They are going to join in and oppose the increase.

Joe just said the next meeting will be the long one. #YES

Discussing the economic interest statements. Luke has his done. 🙂 Some other people don’t have theirs done. Basically, its to make sure village employees and trustees don’t have conflicts.

Tami is giving an IML update. It sounds like, shocker, the state is kinda sticking it to municipalities.

meeting over.

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