Discussing the proposed location of Philo Bank. Max Painter saying the lot has been vacant for a long time. Tami said the bank going there will resolve some drainage issues because it will have to be engineered.
Discussing how a special use permit would prevent a gas station, ect. from going in there.
There is an open house on Thursday at village hall with the bank for residents to ask questions, ect. Legally, they only had to invite people who live within 250 feet of the property but anyone can attend.
The printer in village hall is not working right so they are discussing getting a new ones. #Printersneverwork #minecansensewhenIaminahurry
Max asking if they could possibly do sewer bills online. #OMG Please. I would love that.
Discussing a CCRPC proposal for Safe Route to School Grant application #PUTASIDEWALKONPROSPECT
Going over the administrators report.
Tami commending public works.
The trustees have no comment.
They are going into executive session for the administrator’s evaluation.
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