March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board, Jan. 11, 2021

Village administrator Joe Hackney saying they need to have more cash on hand in the accounts instead of CDs because sometimes the village has to cash out CDs to pay large bills.

Discussing a policy involving requiring the insurance company to submit tentative payment for
demolition when a house burns down. So the village isn’t stuck with a house that a homeowner won’t burn down. They are asking for $20,000 for demolition. The insurance company will pay the village, who will hold the money until the property is demolished. It has nothing to do with the homeowner basically.

Whoever cleans village hall is asking for a raise from $30 to $40. They are going to have her sign an independent contractor agreement which says she’s not a full time employee.

So they aren’t doing anything with the honorary street names tonight. Art isn’t here and he spearheaded the project.

Painter saying he wants to waive the fee for both of them. Everyone seems to agree.

Taking Busey Bank out of an ordinance since it isn’t here anymore.

Discussing an ordinance regulating special events. “We don’t want to work against people,” said Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges. “But we want to protect the village and have a little bit of control over what the events might be.”

The village hasn’t had a policy regarding special events. The fall festival would be subject to this. There is a group interested in doing a street event and they have been given the draft of the ordinance. “You as the governing body have the power to regulate these.” Basically, it allows the village to say “This is what we are going to do and this is what we expect of you.”

QUESTION: Who is going to make sure this is regulated? I will answer this for you. No one. No one will regulate it just like all the other ordinances.

Max just asked if there was a repercussion if no one filled it out. They all chuckled. Meaning there isn’t. And it’s going to get dicey if someone wants to hold an event and the board, who apparently now has to vote to OK events, says no.

Tami says that they have to decide if closing down downtown benefits village businesses when voting on this.

This is going to get amazingly messy. Like SO messy. Because what are the deciding factors? How do they determine if let’s say the SJO 5K benefits local businesses?

GARAGE SALES ARE MAY 5,6 and 7. They are discussing Dumpster Days! They are going to do Dumpster Days. Day TBD.

Public works did a pick up of leaf bags, They have picked up all the Christmas trees they are going to pick up. So take it to Homer Lake. The burner is being put back in storage until April when they are done unless there is an ice storm, ect.

Tami is thanking the fire department for all the work they have put in so far this year.

This is the village’s 150th anniversary for the village. Tami discussing having a special designated event to celebrate it. She wants a committee to work on it. Asking a trustee to head it up to recruit community members. Max teasing her and saying to make sure she fills out the special event request form. #yes I am kinda confused about the dates. The history of the village says 1856. So is my math wrong?

Someone read it and check for me.

Meeting over.

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