March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Splash pad committee starting to fundraise

The vision of the St. Joseph Splash Pad is beginning to take shape.

The committee discussed possible features on the pad and the size for the splash pad.

Representatives from Water Odyssey, a splash pad company with offices in Schaumburg, said it’s a good idea to plan for 25 square feet per child that will use the splash pad at one time.

Representatives also told the committee about the differences between pads that use water to waste systems or recycled water systems.

Water to waste systems deposit water in the sewer whereas recycled water systems use the same water over and over. Recycled water systems are more expensive and require daily chemical upkeep.

If a waste to water system is chosen the features on the pad need to be low flow due to how much water some of the bigger features would use.

However, while costing more upfront, a recycled water system pays for itself within four years.

Either kind of splash pad would be activated by a child rubbing a touchpad and the features would turn on in a sequence that minimizes water usage, meaning the features would not all be running at the same time. The splash pad would be designed to have three separate zones- one for toddlers, one for children ages 7-15 and one for families.

Water Odyssey is currently creating drawings of what a splash pad with low flow features would look like with a budget of $150,000.

The committee also discussed applying for grants.

Committee chair Julie Hendrickson said the committee is open to applying for grants but also wants to fundraise in order for the community to take ownership of the project.

Village administrator Joe Hackney said he thought having an actual drawing of the proposed pad would help the project.

“I think it will help the community, if they have a vision on what it will look like, decide if they are donating or not,” Hackney said.

A drawing is expected to be completed soon.

Committee members are currently placing door hangers on residents’ doors asking for donations. The St. Joseph Fire Wive Tribe will also be donating some of the proceeds from their pancake breakfast to the Splash Pad.

Visit for more information.

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