March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board, Oct. 12, 2021

Thanks to MX electric for sponsoring our live blogs.

Talking Splash PAD.

I was late because I was shooting Oakwood vs. STM Soccer for the News-Gazette.

Hearing a presentation from the village clerk from Catlin on their splash pad.

The annual ongoing cost to maintain this $1,800 to $3,600.

Cost to install was about $100,000.

They sold memorial benches for $2,500, the cost was $600 to fundraise.

Julie discussing how Catlin did a door hanger to collect money. 2500 would cost close to $500. Hackler family has been having people donate money towards it. Both Hackler girls have young grandchildren who would use the splash pad. The idea is that the splash pad would go by the retention pond in the sports complex.

Art has a question. Asking about lifeguards. There are no lifeguards at a splash pad.

Asking if there has been any vandalism problems. There has not been.

Said the biggest issues are doing the software updates because people wait until the last minute. Recommending doing it six weeks ahead of time. Said people call if it isn’t open exactly on time.

Catlin Village Board donated half of the cost to the fundraising.

Discussing where the splash pad would go and what type of water to use.

Okay, my internet dropped. Basically- The board wants the committee chaired by Julie Hendrickson to come up with a size and what exactly would be in it but is also giving us permission to fundraise so look for the door hangers coming soon.

There was lot of discussion regarding where it would go. Maybe it would go at Hackler, not Woodard.

Tami saying it would be good to fundraise to see if the town even wants one. #GOOD IDEA

Max, Dan and Jim are on board and want to fundraise to see where it is going. Terri is also supportive but also wants to remind the village that they would have to budget for the cost for water, etc.

The committee is looking at grants to fund the water usage. Catlin said it could be as much as $3600 a year.

Committee, chaired by Julie Hendrickson, thinks a splash pad would be good for the following reasons 1. It would benefit children who aren’t in to sports, which the village does spent a lot of money on. 2. It would be a draw for out of town residents if done correctly. 3. If we can fundraise enough the cost to the village is very, very small.

If the funds aren’t raised the money will be returned to the donors.

Look for more information forthcoming.

Discussing crossing guard situation. They want a wireless sign on Rt. 150 telling people to SLOW DOWN.

BIGGEST NEWS: Halloween Parade at 10 a.m. with the mayor to area towns. It is delightful. Sawyer and I go every year. #freecandy

Discussing intergovernmental agreements for other towns to use our equipment. Basically, they rent it from us instead of somewhere in town.

THIS IS THE WORST PART. I was told about this last week. Julie is retiring on Dec. 31. I cannot tell you how much Julie does for the village, for the residents and gets very little credit. She has held the position for 21 plus years. She is awesome and she will be missed. But also, it’s a happy time because if anyone deserves a happy retirement it is our friend Julie. #stillgotherforafewmonths

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