March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live Blog April 13, 2021

They are supposed to discuss food trucks. #MAKEITHAPPEN

And give an update on the village administrator.

Doing investments.

Doing bills. Max Painter discussing electrical supplies and costs. #hesanelectrician

Bernie McCarty is speaking to the board about cyber security. The village had an email breach earlier this year when the Mayor’s account was hacked. No personal data from any village resident was obtained. It was basically a phishing email scam.

RPC gave the village info. Tami is providing a summary.
The trustees gave Tami ideas. They liked the idea of Mahomet’s food truck policy.

Tami is still wanting to wrap this up by the end of April. #shesaneternaloptimist

Discussing state funding. Basically, the village manages money better than the state. #obviously

May 13 is Keller Williams Red Day and they will be at Kolb Park at 1 p.m, Tami said.

April 24, the forest preserve will meet at Kolb Park between 10 a.m. and noon to clean up the Railtrail and pull invasive plants. #avoidthepoisonivy


The best way to do the interview… first interview will include Tami, Julie, Deb, Luke, Mike and Terri.

Second interview would include a meet and greet with the trustees, mayor and department heads.

Interviews aren’t open to the public. Because it’s personnel.

Could bring as many as three in if they all blow them away.

I used to cover Tuscola and they had a village administrator. When I worked there, I can’t speak to now, the administrator was the one running everything.

Five candidates will be interviewed via Zoom.

Back to food trucks. Here is Mahomet’s ordinance.

My understanding is in this situation the board and the mayor will still be in control but the village administrator will do more of the leg work. Look for and apply for grants, gather information for ordinances, budgeting, ect.

Discussing who uses and sells items from the concession stand at the sports complex. #itseemscomplicated #ithinkitsjustwhoeverisplayingoutthere

Discussing travel teams at the sports complex and how they spend money here.

Which brings the question- would a parks and rec director be more valuable than an administrator?

Wagner saying we need to bring in more travel teams and our fees are confusing.

Julie is discussing how much people pay to participate in the travel tournaments.

Julie saying the village isn’t making any money on the teams using our parks.

Discussing Rantoul’s sports complex.

Art discussing how the return for what the village gets isn’t quite equal to what they put out.

“Since we don’t have a park district, the money we use for our parks is also shared money with everything we do within the village,” Tami said.


We are adjourning.

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