March 31, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

St. Joseph Community Garage Sale Listings

  1. 106 East Evergreen Dr.
    Multi family garage sale. 
    Furniture, washer/dryer, clothing, decorations, bicycles, household items, tools, metal ammo boxes, Garden fertilizer and misc garden chemicals. Containers are sealed. N.O.S.
  2. 402 Cypress Ct
    Friday, 8-5pm
    Saturday, 8-12pm
    patio furniture, sectional couch, dining room chairs, children’s bed bumpers, children’s books, clothes and much more!
  3. 400 Sherwood,
    Thurs, 4/8, 4:PM – 7:PM; Fri, 4/9, 8:AM – 6: PM; Sat, 8:AM – 12:PM.
    Multi-family garage sale: Kids’ clothes (many name brands): Boys newborn – 5T; girls newborn – 3T. Adult clothing, toys, housewares, Graco high chair, Graco pack & play, lots of misc.
  4. 701 Wingstem Drive
    8th and 9th 4pm-7pm and the 10th 7-10am., We will have boys and girls items/clothes/toys (grade school age), men and women’s clothes, and a multitude of household items.
  5. 901 Reagan Dr.
    Friday starting at 8:30am and on Saturday from 8am-12pm.
    toddler boys clothing, sizes 18 months to 5T/5years, and A TON of kids toys and books for ages infant through preschool.
  6. 411 Sherwood
    April 8th from 3pm to 7pm, April 9th from 8am to 4pm, April 10th from 8am to noon.
  7. 702 E Grand Ave
    Open Thursday-Saturday,
    Multi Family Garage Sale!!!
    Including some of the following items:Standup desk, bar stools, Nespresso machine, milk frother, men and women’s clothes and shoes, mid modern-century & Farmhouse home decor
    baby and toddler clothes for boys and girls, lamps, furniture, Vera Bradley suitcase and backpack, and air conditioner window unit, and more
  8. 505 Laurel Drive
    Thursday, April 8 – 4 to 7 pm
    Friday, April 9 – 8 am to 6 pm
    Saturday, April 10 – 8 to Noon
    Large Multi-Family Garage Sale – Lots of Home Decor, Household/Kitchen Items, Lots of Boy and
    Girl Toys (Paw Patrol, Dolls,PJ masks and More), Women’s Clothes (Size Med, Lg & some XXL),
    Men’s Clothes (Sm., Med, Lg, & XXL), Boys Clothes (size 4T & 5T), and Girls Clothes (Size 4, 5 & 6),
    and Tons of Miscellaneous. 
  9. 1504 Holzem Ct. 
    Thursday 3 to 7:30
    Friday  3 to 7:30
    Saturday 8 to 1
     Women’s Shoes, women’s apparel, women’s accessories, household, seasonal, toys, collectibles, sports, lots of misc!
  10. 207 S Fourth Street
    Thursday 2-7
    Friday 8-4
    Saturday 8-12
    Household items and decor, juniors clothes, women’s shoes, tools, lawn equipment, American Girl doll clothes & accessories, lots of miscellaneous.
  11. 707 Somerset Circle
    Thursday 4pm-7pm
    Friday 3pm-7pm
    Sat 8am-noon
    Selling all things BABY! TONS of baby girl clothes newborn-2T, baby boys clothes newborn-9month, rock n play, jumparoo, bouncy seat and more!
  12. 509 Laurel Drive
    Friday 8-5
    Saturday 8-12
    avon collectables, purses, sets of glasses, dishes, vintage nick knacks, music stand, small computer desk, small book case, deck box, misc items
  13. 507 Hawthorne Drive,
    April 8th from 3pm to 7 pm.,
    April 9th from 8am to 4pm.,
    April 10th from 8am to noon.
  14. 800 East Grand Ave
    Fri and Sat 8:00-12:00
    womens clothes and home decor, craft items and misc items
  15. 2217 Morningside Drive,
    Friday the 9th from 8-5 and Saturday from 8-?,
    Girls clothes baby – size 6, shoes, toys, some furniture, dvds and more
  16. 402 N Cedar Dr.
    Thursday 4-8p. Friday 3-6p Saturday 8-noon
    Multi family, lots of kids clothes and toys.  Miscellaneous household items
  17. 1930 County Road 1850 North
    Urbana, IL.  61802
    4-9 & 4-10-21
    10:00 AM to 3:00 PM both dates
  18. 102 W Sherman
  19. 613 winston dr.
    7-2 thursday, Friday, saturday.
  20. 106 East Evergreen Dr.
    Multi family garage sale. Furniture, washer/dryer, clothing, decorations, bicycles, household items, tools, metal ammo boxes, Garden fertilizer and misc garden chemicals. Containers are sealed. N.O.S.
  21. 403 N. Cedar Drive
    April 9:  8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    April 10: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Flex Steel Leather Couch and Chair – $450 for both
    misc. dishware
  22. 508 S Main Street
    Friday 6-8 Saturday 730-5
    Attic has been cleaned out
    Everything must go….Tall stereo speakers, clothes, games, bed frame, Knick knacks, glass ware, soccer balls, and
  23. 1685 CR 2200 E
    Friday 9-4
    Saturday 8-12,
    Kids clothes, women’s clothes, toys, household items. HUGE multifamily sale!
  24. 1802 Apple Tree Ct. 
    elliptical, toddler bikes, size 4 & 5 boys clothes, women’s L clothes, kid’s games, and miscellaneous items. 
  25. 1404 Nottingham Drive 
    Thursday 5-8:00 p.m. Friday 8:30-5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30-1:00,
    TONS of kids clothes and shoes, all seasons!!!Boys: Newborn-3T (some 4t and 5t items) Girls:
    Newborn-2T Boystoddler bike and helmet Toddler toys in good condition Baby activity table Baby sit to stand
    walker Cozy Coop truck Diaper Pail Radio Flyer Wagon Radio Flyer 4 in 1 Stroll n Trike Home decor and
    MORE!!!!  Stuff is priced to SELL!!
  26. 608 Sherwood Dr, St Joseph, please wear masks
  27. 601 Winston
    Thurs 4/8 from 3-8pm
    Friday all day
    Wheelchair like new, walker, other misc. medical aids, dog cage with misc items, many misc. items never used,
    garden and plant items.  And so much more!
  28. 612 Hawthorne Drive
    Thursday (4/8) 2pm-8pm & Friday (4/9) 8am-8pm.
    Multi-family sale. TONS of boy clothes baby – size 4, toys, books, baby accessories, Longaberger baskets, storage containers, cross stitch material, household goods, lots of misc.

29 . 514 Hawthorne Dr., 
Thursday 4-7 Friday, Saturday 8-4
Lots of misc items, home decor, clothes, wire shelving.

  1. 303 Elm St.
    Thursday, Friday, Saturday
    Multi-Family Garage Sale!!!! Name brand boys and Girls clothes Men’s and women’s clothes Holiday Decorations
    galore! Lenox kitchen dishes/glasswareHousehold DecorKitchen utensils storage solutions such much more! 
  2. 2240 Churchill (Heather Hills). Lots of Golf stuff.
  3. 618 Hawthorne Dr.
    April 10th 7am – 2pm
    Girl clothing, kid toys, household items
  4. 2018 CR 2000 E. Urbana (4 miles north of St. Joe),
    Thursday -4-8 Friday 2-8 Saturday 8-noon,
    Multi Family Sale: Youth XL clothing for both girls and boys, Mens clothing size S & XL and jeans of various sizes, Women’s Clothing S,M, L, Women’s shoes sizes 8, 9.5 & 10, Vera
    Bradley bags, Weather Tech floor liners for Yukon XL, baseball ceiling fan, baseball and softball equipment, games and books, misc. household items and decor. Worth the drive!
  5. 513 Sherwood Drive
    Thursday afternoon to dark
    Friday and Saturday during the day
    Multi family including both girls and boys clothes, toys, and household items.
  6. 505 S. Glover Court,
    Friday, April 9th  8am – 6pm
    Saturday, April 10 8am – Noon
    Lots of girls clothes UA, Nike, & Justice sizes Youth M and Youth L (10-12), Girls shoes 2-4, Young mens clothes (UA, AE, and Nike) small to XL, athletic shoes 7-9, women’s clothes and shoes (name brands) variety of sizes, household items and decorations. oak bathroom wall cabinet.  Too many items to list
  7. 515 Winston Drive.,
    Thursday 4-8 p.m., Friday-8-4, Saturday -8-12,
    Handmade Twin Toddler beds, Boys clothes-6mos-5T, Kitchen Items, Dresser, Hooded cat litter box, Miscellaneous, Toys
  8. 509 Sherwood Drive
    Friday, April 9, 8-4, and Saturday, April 10, 8-1.
    60″ smart TV, a Shark vacuum, Vera Bradley purses, kitchen faucet, shower head, clothes steamer, cat tree, toilet guard rail, raised toilet seat, and misc.
  9. 2004 E Grand Ave.
    Multi family garage sale!
    Thursday 2-7, Friday 9-7 and Saturday 8-12,
    White electric stove and over the range microwave, cherry double book case, kids toys and books, girls clothes,
    shoes, holiday decor, umbrella stroller, 3 in 1 girls car seat, various household items and so much more.
  10. 704 Wingstem Drive,
    Friday 2:00pm -5:30pm,
    Saturday 9:00 -12:00pm,
    Household items, softball       stuff for age 7above, chairs  and other miscellaneous  things.
  11. 602 Sycamore Dr,
    April 8 1pm-6pm, April 9 noon-6pm, April10 8am-noon,
    Boys youth clothing, Baseball equipment, Champaign Dream apparel, Games/puzzles, Trumpet & music stand, Various household items
  12. 606 Wingstem
    Thursday 3-7, Friday 9-7, Saturday 8-12
    3 Family sale clothes, shoes, household items,
  13. 501 Winston Dr. 
    Thursday 4 – 7 p.m.Friday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.,
    Just moved sale! All items from smoke free home! Christmas décor, Halloween costumes/décor, toys/stuffed animals, bedding, misc. home décor and furniture, men’s clothing (XXL), women’s clothing (M), shoes, DVDs, glassware, handmade Clay All Day stud earrings. 
  14. 406 Paul Ct,
    Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7am-7pm
    Household items, Antiques, Tools, Women’s plus size clothes, Boys clothes size 4-5
  15. 513 Laurel Drive, 
    Thursday 3-7pm, Friday noon – 7pm, Saturday 9am- 1pm,
    Girls clothes 18months to 3T Girls clothes 7-8 Kids shoes, Wall decor Ride on toys Toys Younique makeup Tranont 
  16. 202 S 7th Street,
    Thursday,Friday 8-5
    Saturday 8-?,
    Fabric, fabric kits, patterns, stamping items, Royal Vacuum, Leather Recliner, fishing poles, Big &Tall men’s, petite & tall ladies clothes.  Home decor, picture frames, kitchenware, George Forman & Keurig.  Misc items in 3 car garage.
  17. 1804 Magnolia Drive
    Thurs & Fri 7-7, Sat 7-12 
  18. 404 Winston Court
    Friday 1pm-6pm
    Saturday 7am-noon
    home goods, some clothing, boy’s clothes, shoes and toys
  19. 1506 Dover Drive
    Thursday 4-7pm, Friday 3-7pm, Saturday 8am-4pm
    Household items; Boyds Bears collectibles; Boys & Girls clothing sizes 3-5T; Pack-n-Play; Baby Monitors, Cribs & More!
  20. 801 East Douglas.
    Thursday 2-7, Friday 8-6 and Saturday 8- whenever people stop coming.
    3 family sale, lots of nice plus size clothes, several pair of new American Eagle jeans and women’s clothes in other sizes too. Large rugs, tons of home decor/household items, chairs, outdoor furniture, carts, ceramic tile, craft supplies, Boyd Bears way too much to list, the garage is STUFFED!
  21. 607 Wingstem Dr
    Thursday 3-6, Friday 8-5, Saturday 8- noon
    Kids clothes – newborn-4t,Women’s and men’s clothes and shoes,Household decor, Kids toys,
  22. 1006 Peters Dr. St Joseph
    Thursday 3-6, Friday 8-6 and Saturday 8-12.
    Multi-Family- Household items and decorations, girls and women’s clothes, a little bit of everything.
  23. 406 Crestwood
    Open Thursday through Saturday
    Name brand Girls clothes 3 months to size 8, Name brand Boys clothes newborn to size 4.  Toys, books, & various household items as well.

    53. 406 Paul Ct
    Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7am-7pm
    Household items Antiques Tools Women’s plus size clothes Boys clothes size 4-5

    54. 613 Winston Dr.
    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

    55.407 Sherwood.
    Thursday 3-6 and Saturday 8-12.
    Boys newborn -6 months. toys. Home decor. Women’s and men’s clothes

    56. 505 E Warren.
    Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. to noon

    57. 406 Aspen Ct.
    Thur 5-7 & Fri and Sat 8-2
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