Caucus is in 12 minutes. At the township building. There’s only like 10 people here now. Two years ago there was 41. And Four years ago Bob Rigdon was afraid I was going to go into labor during the caucus. Sully was born a week later. 🙂
It’s getting more crowded now. Caucuses are really the most interesting form of local politics. You crowd into a room and decide who is going to run your village. But now with Covid they are in a giant township building. But still the system is the same.
The democratic caucus is going on at the St. Joseph Annex which is behind the IGA. But I am only one person so I am at the Republican Caucus. In 30 years no one has shown up at the Dem caucus. Could tonight be the night that record is broken?
Also, if no one shows up at the democratic caucus it is more than likely the slate of candidates coming out of the republican caucus will be our trustees and mayor. Someone could run as an independent but they have to petition and cannot be nominated at either caucus.
This is actually one of my favorite things to cover. if you enjoy politics it’s FASCINATING.
I am guessing there are about 45 people here now.
Greg Knott is running the caucus tonight. “Please keep your mask on.” They are also telling us to leave immediately after the meeting to avoid COVID.
BJ Hackler and Todd Hitt will help count the votes if necessary.
Jim Wagner is nominating a slate of candidates- Tami Fruhling-Voges, Terri Cummings, Max Painter and Jeff Van Buskirk. That’s your Republican slate of candidates!
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