How important is a regular sleep schedule? How much sleep should my toddler or elementary school-age child get?
Plenty of restful sleep is vital to healthy kids and adults. While we sleep our bodies repair themselves and our brains store information into short and long term memory. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to fatigue, headaches, more acute and chronic illnesses, lack of productivity, difficulty absorbing and recalling new information (learning), poor mood during the day, car accidents due to falling asleep or having slower reflexes while driving, and even weight gain.
A consistent bedtime and waking time is very important to how we feel throughout the day regardless of our age. Changing the sleep schedule may cause us to feel jet lagged and cranky. Kids especially sleep better when they have a regular bedtime every night, weekdays and weekends. Bedtime consistency also helps kids to fall asleep easier and wake up easier ready to start their day.
Toddlers need 11-14 hours of sleep per 24 hour period (including naps). Preschool aged children need 10-13 hours of sleep per 24 hour period and Elementary aged children need 9-11 hours of sleep to feel good and function at their best. As we age we need less sleep with teenagers requiring 8-10 hours, young adults requiring 7-9 hours and older adults requiring 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
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