1. What is your favorite childhood memory? At the risk of being boo’d out of town – I will never forget the feeling of pure joy and exhilaration of beating SJO in a triple-overtime youth football game back in 7th grade. This was of course after losing to them 7 straight times.
2. What was your first pet’s name? Gomer – a mutt of a rescue dog my family had all through my childhood.
3. What book have you read that has stayed with you? Without question, “Quiet Strength”, by Tony Dungy. My father gave this book to me to read when I was just beginning my career as a young teacher and coach. The principles and character qualities laid out by Coach Dungy had a profound impact on my personal and professional maturation.
4. What TV or Movie could you watch over and over? I can narrow it down to three… “For the Love of the Game”, “The Shawshank Redemption”, and “Super Troopers.”
5. What is the best advice you have been given? Always make decisions based upon what you feel is right, not what is easy. True character is shown in your ability to do the right thing even when you know it is going to be unpopluar. Brett Robinson (who is Heather Lindenmeyer’s father) told me this during my first year as a principal.
7. What is something you are looking forward to? Backpacking in the Rockies with my family.
8. What is something you always find joy in? Morning coffee with my wife and listening to my sons belly laugh.
9. What is a hobby you have that may surprise people? I love to hike.
10. What is your favorite place you have traveled to? Mount Whitney! I did a through-hike of the John Muir Trail a couple of years ago and summiting Whitney was one the most breathtaking and humbling experiences of my life.
10 things you don’t know about me… Gary Page

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