They are discussing a variance for a property.
I am in two zoom meetings currently. SJO School Board and St. Joseph Village Board. Please send positive vibes to me that I don’t get them confused. π
Summer softball is talking to the board now. Asking when they can have a group of girls play. Mayor Fruhling-Voges talking about phase three and the guidelines by the Illinois Department of Commerce. Discussing what their insurance will allow at the parks. Basically, if it is allowed in Phase 3 then it’s cool.
Village board has my undivided attention because SJO is in closed session discussing replacing a board member.
Same as last meeting, the board is unhappy with the pace of reopening and the arbritary nature of some of the rules. For example, letting 300 people in a grocery store but only 10 people can gather for any other purpose.
Barry Fisher drainage tile update: They have continued negotiations. Fisher wants $20,000 and drainage tile work done by the village. Abbeyfield and Trinity Acres are donating $5,000 to the cause each.
There are a lot of people involved in this: Abbeyfield, Daycare, Troy Bates, Trinity Acers, The Village and Barry Fisher. Troy Bates is selling some of his land that to the daycare.
They have to pass two ordinances- one to allow a daycare in an R1 property. They are going to allow it because Abbeyfield is barely R1. It is zoned R1 but its not in the middle of a neighborhood, ect.
They are going to direct the attorney to create documents so the village pays $10,000 to Fisher.
Now they are doing sewer plant updates.
They are discussing the pool ordinance now.
Now they are back at the sewer plant. The sewer plant update will be pushed back a little because the rate increase is being pushed back to October.
Still talking about it.
The mayor has passed out information to the board regarding the village administrator position. Other small towns have administrators, Tuscola for example.
Discussing drive in events at Woodard. There are no specific times, dates, ect. The insurance company said if they are following the phase three plan it will be covered.
Discussing outdoor seating. They are not going to block off Lincoln because it would hinder the other businesses. Scratch will not be doing outdoor seating. The village will be making Lincoln Street one way East to West for the time being. “I think it would be safer of a situation,” Fruhling-Voges said.
Basically, just pay attention when driving. There will be signs up.
So if you have noticed this live blog is not as peppy as my usual ones it’s because I was breaking this big news.
Apparently lots of little kids in the village have electric scooters and they may not be allowed so…. you know, watch your kids and stuff.
They used 22 dumpsters for dumpster day. OMG
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