March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph-Ogden School Board

We are here via zoom.
I have my sound off so they can’t hear my kids playing.

Hiring Bob Glazier as a part-time science teacher for 20-21.
Summer workers, the same crew as last year, are being discussed. “I would like them approved so we can utilize them as needed,” Superintendent Brian Brooks said.

Discussing summer help. If the stay at home order or the situation becomes more serious or more strict we may not use those people at all.

Board member April Vogelsang and her husband Dan are moving into Champaign. Her resignation is effective May 15. “The whole group appreciates the time and effort April has given the board and the district,” Brooks said.

Discussing hiring a new soccer coach.

Bill DeJarnette was hired as soccer coach. DeJarnette was the soccer coach during the first season from 2009-2010.

The district only had two applicants. They both went through the interview project with Principal Gary Page and AD Justin Franzen. A third person was interested but after meeting with Franzen decided not to apply.

Page said Franzen reached out to all the universities in the area to look for leads and there was not a lot of interest.

The administration recommended DeJarnette as head soccer coach and said they believe he is the right person for the job.

The board discussed some concerns with the hire. Board member Les Hoveln made a motion and Board President Jim Rein seconded. The motion was approved with one no vote.

The board is discussing who can be the board secretary after Vogelsang’s resignation.

The teachers union passed the four-year contract. The board is discussing it currently. They are discussing teaching overloads.

District website: The company we work with is no longer doing websites as of this fall. We are trying to find something that would give us a website and a new alert system.

Our alert system is outdated in terms of technology. Brooks said the district couldn’t get information out when the pandemic started. Mostly because it was overloaded by every school district trying to use it.

They are looking at options.

They are discussing resanding the practice gym floor. It would be sassy.

Discussing 2020 graduation.

“Had some battles with the health department, quite a bit last week.”

The students want a graduation sooner rather than later. The district discussed doing it one student at a time and having set times for every student and parents to show up. The state and the health department said no to that as of right now. The district even proposed social distancing and masks.
“The extent we would like to do it has not been approved yet at the health department level,” Brooks said. “None of us foresee a real ceremony this year whether it is May, June or July.”

“We would like to do something with that in May,” Brooks said. “We are all leery that at some point the kids will be over it. They are probably getting close at this point. The small feed back I have gotten and the feedback Gary has gotten from meeting with the senior class officers is that a 100 percent virtual graduation is not something they are interested in.”

Page said if they can get the approval the first week in May they could logistically make something happen near the 17th of May.

Page said one at a time would take multiple days and students would have a 10-minute time slot and would probably take three or four days. The kids would give speeches and it would be compiled into a video.

But again, that idea has not been approved by the health department or the state.

Discussed the handbook. No giant changes.

Friend of Education Award is usually honored at the May meeting but they may not be recognized until a meeting at a later date due to social distancing. You can nominate people by emailing Brooks.

They are discussing the budget now and how the pandemic will effect funding. It is pretty much all up in the air right now but property tax bills are scheduled to go out this week which is earlier than last year. Brooks has heard of multiple proposals to maybe cut funding but nothing set in stone. The district is preparing for less money if that happens.

Consolidation study was 200 plus pages.

Brooks is giving a breakdown of the findings.


A hybrid district would have two levies. They still have questions regarding tax capped status.
The department of revenue doesn’t want to give a final answer, Brooks said.

One good piece of information in the study is that there is a waiver out there that would allow the two districts to join without PVO.

Financial perspective: the only way you are going to be at an advantage financially is with a hybrid district for four years you would get incentive money. All the teachers would go to the higher pay schedule. $300,000 extra dollars in salary.

incentive money “Is probably up in the air” due to pandemic.

“If the goal is to save some money down the district or get more revenue it all depends on if you are tax capped or not. If you are not then there are some advantages. If the goal is to lower the tax rate that is not going to happen. It is going to go up most probably. That part was not really surprising but it wasn’t positive,” Brooks said.

The curriculum is aligned well between middle school and high school but it could improve if a hybrid district forms. Special education would also benefit. If a hybrid district formed PVO would have five years to join.

The tax rate will go up because even though the districts are separate they have low tax rates.

Jim Rein said he wants to know what the grade school thinks.

#Closed session. In the era of zoom, I logged out and they will text me when I can come back in. Isn’t technology grand?

Jim Rein thanking April for her service.

Talking about the senior signs.

Discussing graduation again. A parade could open up the district to liabilities.

Basically… they gotta see if the stay at home order is changed at all because right now it’s a no go for pretty much anything.

Meeting adjourned.

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