March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

To the residents of St. Joseph

To the Residents of the Village of St. Joseph.

I wanted to give a brief update as to what the next two weeks may look like in the village.

We will continue to have the village office closed to the public this week and probably the following week.

Staff will be in the office answering phones and handling all daily operations. Sewer payments can be made by phone, mail or dropped off at the village’s night deposit located next to the front door.

The public works department will also continue to operate as usual to keep the village running as smoothly as possible under these circumstances.

Please avoid approaching the village workers and practice safe distancing.

If you have concerns, questions or emergency needs please contact the office during office hours. The office staff will notify the public works department or have someone contact you by phone.

The village parks will be closed. Enjoy the open space but avoid the playground and the restrooms will remain closed.

Please visit the village website for more information and changing schedules.

We will do our best to keep you informed.

I want to thank our wonderful community for being the St. Joseph that I have always loved. Once again, I’m proud to say that this is my hometown and so very thankful to be able to serve my community as your Mayor.

As we make our way through these frightening and trying times continue to be patient with those around you. Continue to work together to help our community members and businesses. Help our local businesses during the shutdown and thereafter. Curbside services are being offered by the restaurants, grocery store and apothecary.

Please check on your neighbors especially our senior citizens and those with disabilities medical or otherwise.

Contact the village office if any of these citizens need help picking up groceries or prescriptions.

Just a few suggestions as we continue to practice safe distancing and staying home; go online and complete your census, read a good book, play board games with your children, take a walk or bike ride (the bike trail is open for business), contact the food bank or schools to help with their curbside services and most of all smile and wave at those you meet each day.

We will all need that bit of encouragement as we work our way through the next few days or weeks to come.

Thank you and God Bless.

Tami Fruhling-Voges, St. Joseph Village Mayor

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