A town tradition is taking place Saturday.
The Village of Ogden will hold its Harvest Festival from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Prairieview-Ogden South located on Rt. 49.
The event dates back before World War II, said chairperson Sue Esposito.
“That is the thing I most enjoy about the Harvest Fest—helping the community continue a tradition that dates back before World War II, she said. “Tradition is really important.”
Esposito said she has always had a soft spot for Halloween and has great memories of a haunted house eight graders put together on at the school when she was younger.
“It was super fun,” she said.
The Harvest Festival includes games and a costume contest.
The costume contest will start at 3 p.m.
Esposito said costumes play an important role in the event.
“The most favorite costume I ever wore was when I sprayed my hair pink and came as a scarecrow. All the volunteers dressed up that year as scarecrows. It was awesome,” she said. “The best costume I have ever seen was the year someone dressed like Big Bird.”
Costume Contest categories include infant to two years old, three to four years old, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third and fourth grade, fifth and sixth grade and seventh grade.
Those wearing a costume will get into the event free. Those not in costume will be charged a quarter.
The games will cost a quarter and the event will have three door prizes.
“The most popular game is the cake walk,” Esposito said. “The games are all really fun.”
Proceeds benefit the PVO PTO.
“People should come to the festival to support the community’s efforts to keep up a tradition,” Esposito said. “By participating they are helpIng the PVO PTO because all proceeds to directly to our children. It is an opportunity to have family fun and visit with your friends, relatives and neighbors.”
The event is starting an hour earlier than normal this year.
“This year we are opening our doors early and some games will be available,” she said. “A lot of people have worked hard to make this a fun time for everyone. You won’t be disappointed.”
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