The past few meetings have been packed… not this one. Only two audience members.
They approved the minutes, are going over investments. #basicallytheyaredoinghousekeeping
Apparently it’s the Mayor’s Birthday! Happy Birthday Tami!
They are going to court on 101 Monroe
Joe is stressing the village cannot move dirt and ash because if there is something toxic in there and the village moves it that could cause serious environmental issues that the village would be on the hook for.
There is apparently a mulch pile as well. Joe is leery of moving that as well.
Apparently, there are tires dumped in the wetlands from this resident. Joe said not to go in there and get them because it is not the resident’s land and it is not the village’s land.
Joe said the resident may or may not show up.
Joe saying the village needs to give the resident notice of how and when they are going to clean up his property.
Joe talking about the lawsuit the village filed several years ago over a vehicle that they moved. Saying its better to give the resident notice so they can’t claim they moved anything of value or importance.
The resident will be billed for the
Joe saying the issue would be if anyone wanted to purchase the land given the environmental concerns due to the burning of trash, items,
Joe stressing this a long term process and that judges are hesitant to put people in jail due to missing court for ordinance violations.
Little Bear Hauling is bidding to remove the items from the property for the village. #fearless #seriously
The mayor is discussing how fixing one property can encourage others to fix theirs’.
IMPORTANT: HALLOWEEN HOURS ARE OCT. 31 from 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. that evening.
Mayor discussing census. Last time St. Joe had an 84 percent response rate last time. Tami wants to do better than Savoy,
CIMOA is being held at St. Joe at the Wheelhouse.
Uh oh, we are discussing solar farms.
Discussing Arcadia Power. Mayor cautioning against signing up without doing your research.
They tabled the discussion on the sewer building and property safety features.
The backhoe is being a problem child. Eventually, if it doesn’t start acting right they will have to trade it in.
Dan Davis has three items under public safety. Bike racks for downtown will be purchased over the winter and will be set up this spring.
Food trucks- Davis is going to reach out to Mahomet to see how they handle it during events, sports activities,
Davis is still looking into the farmer’s market. Looking for a location with some parking, open area
The sewer line is done at the fire station.
The meeting is over. Now they will give Tami glorious birthday snacks.
Julie made brownies.
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