Every week we ask a school official, village trustee or mayor three questions. This week we spoke to St. Joseph-Ogden’s head football coach Shawn Skinner about Homecoming.
What is your favorite part of Homecoming Week?
My favorite part is when it’s done.
Honestly, it is really difficult to keep the kids focused and on task. There are just so many distractions. As a former player and parent to players, I understand the significance. As a coach it’s probably as stressful as any game week we face all season.
Do you prepare differently for the Homecoming game?
We try not to prep any differently than we would. Sometimes circumstances do not allow that. A lot of it depends on how well we feel the kids can stay focused. Monday through Wednesday were really good this week. The kids were clearly not focused on Thursday.
What is your favorite Homecoming memory from your time at SJO?3. As a

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