We are here at SJO school board. They are discussing the insurance group they belong to and their options.
An insurance committee will meet to discuss all the information.
Discussing the audit. They got dinged because Les Hoveln filled out his economic interest statement too early. Yes, you read that right.
Basically, they are in good financial shape- per usual.
Discussing how state legislators want the TRS to become a local responsibility. “Whether it ever goes through or not I don’t know but we were warned on Tuesday not to forget about that.
There is no mention of the county’s property tax fiasco in the audit. Mitch Schluter said there should be.
The board wants some note put in because it is “historical” and “People may go oh my what happened there.”
It is a clean audit opinion.
Building appraisal. They are not selling. It’s for some insurance. $26 million for everything. The greenhouse originally listed as $121,000. The district paid $340,000. Brooks called the appraisal company. “You won’t find a better greenhouse.” The company then made it $185,000.
SJO has a top of the line greenhouse. No lie. it is basically top of the line like everything they do here.
Les asking about the press box, scoreboard
They are selling surplus equipment.
Facilities. The committee met for four hours.
They are discussing where to put a wrestling room and where to put a weight room if they moved wrestling to the weight room. It’s all theoretical. No one panic.
Closed session now.
Live at SJO school board

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