March 29, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

10 things you don’t know about me… Angela O’Brien Page

Every week we ask an area resident to share 10 facts about themselves. This week we asked Angela O’Brien Page.

I’m allergic to all fruit. Yes, that includes tomatoes and margaritas! (insert sad face)

My favorite thing thing to do is what I refer to as PIFGIB (rhymes with rif bib) Pay It Forward Give It Back

When I was 9 yrs old I thought I could walk from Champaign to Mahomet so I set out on Rt. 150. I didn’t realize it was 11 miles because we’d just moved to Mahomet and, well, I was a confident (aka dumb and fearless) 9 yr old. Some nice people picked me up about a mile west of Champaign. I was more afraid to get in their camper than I was to make the trek to Mahomet. This was pre-cell phone era and I survived.

My oldest son is named after Costa Rica. His name is Aric Ascot. Aric transposed is Rica and Ascot transposed is Costa. His Dad and I were married there.

For my own kindergarten circus performance, I wanted to be a ballerina. The teacher wanted me to be the Ring Master because I spoke loudly and wasn’t afraid to stand up in front of the crowd. I ended up doing BOTH! Maybe I still do.

Over the past several years, with the help of friends, loved ones and this fabulous community, I’ve (we’ve) donated over 500 filled chemo care totes to pediatric cancer patients. Thanks everyone for helping me PIFGIB!

While working at Richard’s Grocery Store in my early 20’s, I once chased a shoplifter out into the parking lot. He walked out with a cart full of unbagged, unpaid for groceries. I caught him at his car and “ordered” him to put the groceries back in the cart. Imagine my surprise when he actually did! Must have been that Ring Master voice of mine. Eventually, some baggers and the night manager came running out and he took off. Did I mention I had $700 of cash register money in my pockets when I ran out? Refer back to #4 for the (dumb and fearless) attitude I was still carrying.

My all time favorite album is “Tapestry” by Carol King. I’ve owned it on record, 8 track, cassette and DVD. I’m pretty sure that makes me old.

I used to work at the State’s Attorney’s Office where I was persistent at tracking down witnesses to subpoena for trial. We were struggling to find a particular witness who was evading being located. It dawned on me that the incident happened about 9 months prior and the witness was newly pregnant at that time. I took a chance and called the local hospital asking what room she was in so I could visit. I was advised she wasn’t in a room yet and was still in Labor & Delivery. (Pre- HIPA) Bingo! I sent our investigator to the hospital with a subpoena. He served her in between contractions. He never let me live that down!

I’m “somewhat” known for my jello shots and pudding shots. Adults who Trick or Treat at my house receive them. Sometimes I’ll deliver them to people who’ve posted that they’re having a bad day. I’ve also been known to Ding Dong Door Ditch friends, only for them to find just the shots waiting on their porch when they answer the door!

Bonus fact: I store holiday cupcake wrappers chronologically in a spaghetti container.

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